Website Support & Service

Professional support, training & security

A full time IT professional who knows your business, on call, for a fraction of the cost. An IT professional with 20 years of experience on retainer to provide support, design, training, security, SEO, reporting, content updates and other services available on retainer.

Knowledgable, up to speed on your business or organization and available 5 days a week.

Qualified, knowledgable on call web support and training services from someone experienced and familiar with your organization and tools is invaluable in productivity preserved and enhanced. By committing to a one year retainer contract, you get a design and training professional with 20 years of experience who is already familiar with your staff, business and website, for a reasonable, stable cost.

Retainer plans start at 4 hours a year and can be set to a level that works for your organization. 

Call for more information: 604-813-7674 or email

If you already have a billing arrangement with me and prefer the tracking a formal ticket tracking system offers, you can send me a support or service request ticket here (or just call or email me directly)

Magnifiying glass Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Search Optimized

The people you want, find you fast

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash Old fashioned telephone

On-Call Support & Training

Knowledge is power

Screen with computer code

Lock it down

Better website security

Seeing software clearly glasses Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

Custom Software Training

No manual? No support? No problem.

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