Sophia Kelly of Tailored Tech designs and delivers program evaluation for many of the projects she manages. The results of our work measuring the health impact on student and school behaviour of an educational program was selected for presentation at an international conference attended by academics and clinicians from all over the world. I’m very proud of it.
Sophia Kelly managed the ReachOut Psychosis program since early in the program’s development through spring 2017. She oversaw many improvements. These included initiating and formalizing evaluation of the program’s impact on knowledge and behaviour among students and schools. Her evaluation work was recognized in a poster presentation at the International Early Psychosis Intervention Association conference in 2012 in San Francisco, an academic and clinical conference. The results of the evaluation show that this presentation has measurable affects that shorten time between onset of symptoms, identification and referral to effective supports. Rapid access to treatment for psychosis that has been shown to have a direct impact on how fast and how completely youth with this brain condition recover.
This program uses very sophisticated entertainment tools to promote the accurate, science based message that psychosis is a brain condition that requires immediate medical attention, and provides youth with the tools they need to get that help quickly. Speed in recognizing and treating youth psychosis has been shown to make a huge difference on outcomes.
The abstract of her presentation is on page 70 of the document linked here.